Active Directory: Hell-bent on Kerberos

Active Directory: Hell-bent on Kerberos

Day 13-19: 100 days of Security Engineering

Sounds darn good

I know right? It’s equally much of a headache. Kerberos is an authentication protocol that’s made and maintained by MIT and used in numerous applications like in Windows Active Directory. Kerberos was derived from the greek word “Cerberus”.

In Greek mythology, Cerberus, often referred to as the hound of Hades, is a multi-headed dog that guards the gates of the underworld to prevent the dead from leaving. Wikipedia

Wait, what’s Active Directory?

Some Basic Terms and Objects

Active Directory is a central repository that centralises administration of components of windows machines within a Domain (or a network). There’s something called Active Directory domain service, which holds info for all objects in network. What’s an object? Users, Groups, Machines, the usual deal.

types of objects include security principals (can be auth’d by domain and can be assigned perms over resources), machines (saved as <machine_name>$ )

security groups: groups of security principals (also considered as security principals!), here’s a priority-wise list of security groups…

Organisational units

Organisational units group users and machines with similar permission sets

  1. builtin (default groups)

  2. computers

  3. DCs

  4. user

  5. managed service accounts (every resource requires a service account)

Active Directory OU (Organizational Unit): Ultimate Guide – TheITBros

Security groups are to grant permissions together, while OUs are to group objects with similar permissions. By searching about GPOs on the Windows start menu, you can set policies for multiple groups.

Trees, Forests, Subdomaining

trees is to create subdomains out of an existing domains, forest is a collection of trees. interconnected trees need to have a trust-policy (which can be either one-way or two-way trust)

5 Common Mistakes in AD Recovery and How to Avoid Them | Fidelis Security

Setting up a Local lab

You might need a specification of at least 16GBs of RAM and at least 256 GBs of SSD storage, if not possible locally, consider a Cloud-based setup on Azure/AWS

Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. Windows server 2019

  2. Least 2 Windows 10 enterprise edition

  3. One Attackbox VM (like Kali/Parrot)

For Windows-based VMs, you can set aside 50-60GBs of disk space, and 25 GBs for the attackbox to enumerate and exploit your network. The server VM will act as the domain controller, while the enterprise VMs will act as client machines on the network. Please allocate at least 6 GBs of RAM to each and set the network type to NAT.

Alright, let’s dive into authentication next!

Organs of Kerberos

We have 4 prime parts in the protocol: the user primarily, the domain controller consisting of the authentication server + ticket granting server and finally the resource or service provider.

The authentication server ensures that an existing and valid user is requesting a service, the ticket granting server authenticates the request for the particular service to the user.

Symmetric keys

Kerberos uses symmetric key cryptography is validate, encrypt and decrypt messages. Here’s a cool chart for what kind of algorithm is supported:

Symmetric key cryptography is the process of using the same key to encrypt and decrypt a message

Caches and key tables

Users have their own unique user cache that stores the service ticket used to access the service.

Authentication service has a table to match user ids with their respective client secret keys. Similar case for the ticket granting service.

Meanwhile, the service only holds the service cache which stores the user authenticator message.

user authenticator is a message that holds the user_id trying to access the resource.

Protocol workflow

The user sends a request for a “Ticket granting ticket” that can be sent to the TGS to get a service ticket. The auth service matches the user id with the respective client secret key (also ensuring if the user exists) and then sends back the TGT metadata encrypted with the client secret key and the TGT encrypted with the TGS secret key.

The user can only decode and check the acknowledgement from the TGT meta through the secret key generated by hashing the mentioned format in the diagram mentioned. (<password><user><key version>)

The user sends the user authenticator encrypted with the TGS session key from the TGT metadata, and the TGT which is still encrypted. The TGS now decrypts the TGT and checks the contents through the key stored in the TGS key table.

Now, the user receives the service metadata encrypted with TGS session key (which has a temporary fixed lifetime) along with the service ticket encrypted with a service secret key. Once again, the user can’t view the contents of the service ticket. The TGS session key now is used to help decrypt and acknowledge the service metadata. Finally, the service ticket is sent to the resource along with an User authenticator message encrypted with service session key received from the service meta-data.

Ultimately, we receive the service authentication and finally decrypt it through the service session key. And now we can use the service.

Exploitation Techniques


Kerberoasting exploits the Kerberos authentication process by targeting the service tickets issued by the Ticket Granting Service (TGS). During authentication, the TGS issues a service ticket encrypted with the service account's secret key (derived from its NTLM hash). While the user cannot view the contents of the ticket, the encrypted ticket is sent to the client. In a Kerberoasting attack, the attacker requests service tickets for specific services and captures them. Since the tickets are encrypted with the service's NTLM hash, they can be brute-forced offline to recover the service account's credentials, potentially gaining unauthorized access to privileged accounts.

Golden Ticketing

Golden Ticketing is a powerful attack against Kerberos authentication that allows an attacker to create forged Ticket Granting Tickets (TGTs) for any user, including domain administrators, without needing their passwords. This attack exploits the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) secret, specifically the KRBTGT account hash, which is used to sign and encrypt all TGTs in a domain.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Compromise the KRBTGT Hash: The attacker must first obtain the KRBTGT account's NTLM hash. This is typically done by gaining elevated privileges, such as Domain Admin access.

  2. Create a Forged TGT: Using tools like Mimikatz, the attacker creates a fake TGT for any user, embedding any permissions they desire, such as Domain Admin privileges.

  3. Authenticate Using the Forged TGT: The attacker injects the forged TGT into their session. Since the TGT is signed with the valid KRBTGT hash, the KDC treats it as legitimate, granting access to requested resources.

Golden Ticketing provides attackers with persistent access, as even resetting user passwords won't invalidate the forged tickets. The only way to mitigate this attack is to reset the KRBTGT account password twice, invalidating all existing tickets.