Code Tale: SSH, Helix and ChatGPT in the terminal


3 min read

Welcome to this new series called "Code Tale", this will be a set of blogs where not one but multiple topics will be discussed. (A.K.A the stuff that i found the coolest so far)


SSHP or Secure Shell Protocol, is a telnet successor that lets you login into the shell of a remote machine and access its file system. One of the only few differences being is that the communication is proofed from man-in-the-middle attacks due to use of encryption. Unlike HTTPS, SSH eliminates the need to transmit sensitive information like passwords over the line. (for example, when accessing git repositories)

How to use SSH?

SSH uses keys to authenticate the communication between two systems, these consist of:

  • The private key (best if kept safe unleaked in the user's system)

  • The public key (accessible to everyone)

In order for two machines to connect, the client machine must have openssh-client installed. Same for the server machine except it's openssh-server.

SSH Keys are generated using ssh-keygen in the user's computer, usually the rsacryptography algorithm is used.

The public key is sent over to the remote system using SCP (Secure Copy Protocol)

scp ~/.ssh/<public_key> user@<server ip>:~/.ssh/<new public_key_name>

then, an SSH connection is requested from the user's system to connect to the remote system through the following command:

ssh user@<server ip>

SSH for git

After your keys are generated, you can just open up github/gitlab/bitbucket or any online cloud repository database and copy paste your public key in the "SSH keys" section. (it ends with .rsa )

Let's assume we're using github here, to clone a repository with push access

git clone

This eliminates the need to open and login into github everytime we are to upload files


Helix is a CLI editor written in Rust. (Check it out!). It comes with built-in LSP support,fuzzy finder, formatting, and syntax highlighting for most languages

Config-files ๐Ÿ–‹๏ธ-

  • Core: config.toml

  • Theme: doom_acario_dark.toml

  • Additional LSP support: languages.toml

    • marksman
    • pylsp
    • texlab
    • vscode-css-languageserver
    • vscode-html-languageserver
    • clangd

Installation script (Win + powershell)

winget install Helix.Helix

Add the Helix directory to PATH Open up a new powershell window

Setting up LSPs and configuration

Configuration files are saved in:

  • ~/.config/helix for Linux

  • %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\helix for Windows

Files like languages.toml and config.toml are stored here (along with the theme file)

Changing the theme

Themes can be downloaded from here or can be copied from the runtime folder in the source code directory

Adding LSPs

hx --health will give you the required LSPs for Helix They need to be downloaded separately, and added to PATH (Best if added to Sys environment variables) The docs will help on how to configure languages.toml so that Helix detects the LSPs

  • Alacritty (personal choice)

  • Kitty

  • Windows Terminal

ChatGPT in the terminal

TGPT a terminal-based app that uses the ChatGPT clone BAI bot's backend to generate text responses to questions.

You can download the release specific to your OS and then add it to PATH along with an alias so that it can be access globally.
